Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Life of Me!

Well it's probably about time I wrote on here again, I know all you followers of mine are just hangin' on the edge of your seats just waiting to find out what it is that I'll do next. Well hmmm let me tell you. I really don't have much to report...just been trudging along through school trying to finish out my classes for this semester. But the good news is....well really the GREAT SPLENDID FABULOUS FANTASTIC news is that I leave in Europe in exactly 5 weeks from today!!!! I can't wait. It's definitely going to be an amazing experience that I know I will never forget and memories that will stay with me forever. Well just to update you a little bit on my past semester. Me and Trevor have been dating since the beginning of June 2009! It doesn't seem like it has been as long as it really has. But it's going great!

A little about Valentines Day! Trevor got me beautiful flowers, lots of chocolates and balloons. It was a great day and we celebrated by going out to dinner and walking around campus for his job! What a fun romantic night huh? It was a lot of fun though just being with him and having the evening to relax (on campus haha) and enjoy my many gifts. For Trevor I got a twizlberry gift card because it is one of the best ice cream places ever to exist!! Needless to say we go there way tooo much!!! But it's sooo yummy we just can't stay away. And then me and my lovely roommate Erika found some finger paints in our apartment from a past semester so we finger painted cards for our boys. My attempts to draw hearts weren't very good...a five year old probably would have done better, as they are experts in the art of finger painting. And then on the inside I wrote lyrics of songs that have significance meaning in our relationship. Haha. Like I say our song is a song called To Show You My Love by Mike Schmit!! It's an amazing song! If you haven't heard it you have to listen to it. And then lyrics of Two is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls and Taylor Swift because it's the first song we danced to together in my apartment kitchen. To share that story...it was the first week of Fall semester and there was a dance at the stadium (which is right across the street) so we could hear the music so when that song started playing we danced in the kitchen. So back to my card I made Trevor, I thought it was very cute and of course he liked it. In fact it's still hanging on his wall...well at least I think so. So as I'm sure you can see my adventures with Trevor have been great! And continue on as we trudge along everyday until this semester is over. Speaking of adventures to be had....ME AND ERIKA!! For those of you who know us we can be pretty crazy and have had some pretty grand ole times. Recently at good ol' Walmart we found some stick on tattoos! So lately we have been putting those all over. We call them our tramp stamps!!!

Besides Trevor and my adventures with Erika I'm taking a photography class this semester!! It is so much fun and I'm learning so much, and I would like to say I'm getting better! I can't wait to be in Europe and have some of the most amazing places to photograph!! Well I guess that's about all from me but be sure to tune back in soon to read all about the fun adventures I'm having for my last couple weeks in the snowy tundra of Rexburg! Well hope all is going great for you and that all your wildest new dreams come true. Don't ever give up hope and always shoot for the moon...even if you miss you'll land among the stars. I'll be back with more soon. Over and Out!!

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